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The English Name of Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine

2024-05-31 18:37:23仪表仪器1


Ultrasonic cleaning machines are widely used in various industries for their efficient and thorough cleaning capabilities. These machines utilize the power of ultrasonic waves to remove dirt, grease, and contaminants from different types of surfaces. Due to their effectiveness and versatility, ultrasonic cleaning machines have become an essential tool in industrial and commercial settings.

The English Name for Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine

Ultrasonic cleaning machines are known by different names in English. One common term used to refer to these machines is "ultrasonic cleaner." This term accurately describes the main function of the machine, which is to clean objects using ultrasonic waves. Another commonly used name is "ultrasonic cleaning device," highlighting its purpose as a device that performs cleaning tasks through the use of ultrasonic technology.

Advantages of Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines

Ultrasonic cleaning machines offer several advantages over traditional cleaning methods. Firstly, they provide a more thorough cleaning compared to manual or mechanical methods. The ultrasonic waves create high-frequency vibrations that generate tiny bubbles in the cleaning solution. These bubbles implode upon contact with surfaces, creating a scrubbing effect that removes dirt particles even from hard-to-reach areas.

Secondly, ultrasonic cleaning machines are gentle on delicate objects. The vibrations and scrubbing action do not cause any damage or abrasion to sensitive surfaces, making them suitable for cleaning delicate jewelry, electronic components, optical lenses, and more.

Thirdly, ultrasonic cleaning is a non-toxic and environmentally friendly method. Unlike chemical cleaning agents, ultrasonic cleaning machines use water-based solutions or mild detergents, minimizing the use of harmful chemicals and reducing the impact on the environment.

Applications of Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines

Ultrasonic cleaning machines have a wide range of applications across various industries. They are commonly used in the automotive industry for cleaning engine parts, fuel injectors, and carburetors. In the healthcare sector, ultrasonic cleaning machines are used for sterilizing surgical instruments, dental tools, and medical equipment.

Other industries that benefit from ultrasonic cleaning machines include electronics, aerospace, jewelry manufacturing, and precision engineering. These machines effectively remove flux residues, fingerprints, and other contaminants from circuit boards, plastics, metals, and small mechanical parts.


Ultrasonic cleaning machines, also known as ultrasonic cleaners or ultrasonic cleaning devices, are essential tools in various industries. With their efficient cleaning capabilities, gentle treatment of delicate objects, and environmentally friendly approach, these machines have revolutionized the cleaning process. From automotive to healthcare and electronics to jewelry manufacturing, ultrasonic cleaning machines play a vital role in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in different sectors.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable information about ultrasonic cleaning machines and their English names. Thank you for reading!

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