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镇村上下联动 治水成效显著

2022-06-12 04:39:10污水处理1

镇村上下联动 治水成效显著





Scheme design of shengli wastewater treatment in municipal wastewater treatment
In the small and medium-sized cities in China, water pollution control in construction of municipal sewage treatment plant is the backbone of the project. Construction of municipal sewage treatment plant is in watershed, regional water quality planning and local economic and social development plan for important content. For the implementation of the People's Republic of China Law on the protection and the People's Republic of China water pollution control Act, on the situation of water environment in the country basic compatible with the development of the national economy and people's living standards improve, you must reverse the situation of water pollution in cities of China as soon as possible. Therefore, the construction and operation of wastewater treatment facilities is the focus of current water pollution control in small and medium-sized cities in China. For sewage treatment plant of shengli problems exposed in the course of operation, from the process of selection and analysis processes, sewage treatment and other point, combined with the experimental data and process alterations and modifications were made at this stage to ensure that urban wastewater discharge standards.

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