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2022-04-06 02:26:38环境监测1

既然你都知道要做什么了.就是测水质, 就用导电性能而言, 纯水的是不导电的,带离子之后水才会导电,说白了就是整个系统的分为3个模块,一个是测量模块,一个是数据比较模块,另一个是显示模块,测量模块测水的导电性,酸碱盐的电离程度不同,这个你可以上网差资料,之后对应的有不同的线路在不同的线路用欧姆定理算出你这个不同程度的导电电压,将这个电压用模数转换器转成数字信号传给单片机,这个单片机编程就需要你自己编了,程序实现功能是对来的数字信号进行你规定的数值比较,最后比较完之后就是显示模块了,这个简单的不能再简单了,找几个发光二极管接I/O口上 再给单片机个程序..完事儿


Along with the humiture examination system's widespread utilization, the different profession and the domain have the various requirement and the standard to the humiture examination. This design mainly uses in the ordinary indoor humiture survey. Uses the DS2438, HIH3605B integration chip to take the humiture sensor. In the article has analyzed the humiture survey principle of work and the process, proposed the humiture examination system design's overall plan, has carried on the plan proof to each submodule design and compares. The hardware design uses protel the 99se software, has completed the monolithic integrated circuit smallest system, the LCD display circuit, sensor's schematic diagram and the PCB chart. The software design uses Keil uVision2, has completed the program module each module design programming, has realized to the humiture signal processing process programming and the debugging. This measurement system humidity measuring range 0%~100%, resolution ±2%; Temperature survey scope - 40~+125℃, resolution ±0.5℃. Can meet the daily life humiture survey requirements.

key words: AT89S52; HIH3605B; DS2438; LCD; Data acquisition; Data processing

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