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环境保护区英文缩写? 环境保护英语作文30词?

2024-05-14 21:38:50环境监测1



全拼是:Environmental protection 

释义:n. 环境保护


environmental protection

Our ultimate goal must be the preservation of the environment.

He has always been pro the environment.

These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups.


The value of life lies in the fact that we take everything it brings to us. We can't avoid misfortune but we can turn misfortune into good ones by thinking of ways to solve it. We can choose to be positive and don't let those who care about us down.


Yesterday was a very nice day.So I visited the south mountain with my best friend.The view of it is pretty good.When we were on the top of the mountain,I was surrounded by clouds.It's very beautiful.


Today, I would like to share how I manage my money.

I work in a private company. The salary is not much. I have about RMB5000 income per month. I spent around 800 on my food, and another 800 on entertainment. I have to save 400 for my medical assurance.

I have to count every penny by the end of every month and that feels awful. I scarcely earns enough money to make ends meet. The goddamn economic crisis makes it worse. It would be a miracle if I could see the sun rising tomorrow.


My DIY story英语作文如下:

DIY breakfast I always get up early in the morning.I usually have my breakfast at half past six.I leave home half an hour later.I'm never late for school.There are many classes in the morning.At a quarter past twelve,I have lunch.Sometimes,I'm not so busy in the afternoon.After school I have dinner with my family.After I finish my homework I often play some games with my family.Only then will I to relax. Although this is a busy day, but I feel full and satisfied

七、at the beach英文作文?

at the beach的意思是在海滩上。首先用英语对,在海滩上,这件事情进行总体概述。其次用英语对在海滩上的感受,和捡到贝壳的经历进行详细描述。最后用英语对在海滩上这件事情进行总结。


Ice Hockey is a collective competitive sport with skates and hockey sticks as tools on the ice. It is composed of two minor events, men's and women's. It is an independent winter sport in the international sports classification.


As we all know,the college entrance examination is one of the most important things and we should pay much attention to it.Though we can figure out the number of the days we have before the college entrance examination,the distance is decided by thought instead of time.Before we have realize it,time has gone and let us sigh.The days we have can't be changed,but we can change our thinking and never feel regret.If we think the days we have are so few ,then we will try our best to learn.On the contray,if we think the days we have are lots of,then we will waste the time and achieve nothing.In a word,no matter how far is the college entrance examination,treasuring everyday to study is the most important,and when the day comes,we will never feel nervous and regret.


The earth is our mother; the earth is our indispensable to human right; human earth is our cradle! After losing the earth, we will always save do not come back.

Earth is our home, she was like a mother, for providing us with the resources and conditions of existence. Our earth is the guest, we cannot turn from a guest into a host " ".

Free to exploitation of mineral resources; reckless abuse of chemicals; littering and causing serious environmental pollution; discharge of sewage, destruction of water resources and so on. The foolish man, don't forget, in the earth's true resource dried up when, we are doomed, because suitable for human living space only earth.

The earth is the common home of symbiotic creatures from the harmony of all things.

There is only one home, the earth cannot clone.

Protection of green water and blue sky, build a green home!




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