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2024-02-05 21:13:41大气治理1


NMC是一种电池材料的缩写,全称为镍锰钴(Nickel Manganese Cobalt)三元锂离子电池。NMC电池是新型的高能量密度锂离子电池,具有高容量、高能量密度和长寿命等优点。在电动汽车和储能系统等领域得到了广泛应用,同时也是充电宝等便携式电源产品中的重要电池类型。NMC电池的物理和化学性质稳定,使用寿命长,充放电效率高,可以有效提高储能系统和新能源汽车的性能和安全性。


Japan's nuclear crisis may mean greater demand for imported food and less competition from Japanese products on world markets. But it also means that Japanese farmers and others who make and sell food have to worry about their future.日本的核危机意味着需要进口更多的食品以及日本产品在全球市场的竞争力减弱。同时也意味着日本农民以及食品制造和出售商担心他们的未来。

The radiation is from the Fukushima nuclear power station that was damaged by the March eleventh earthquake and tsunami. The extent of the problems are still not clear.辐射来源于在3月11日的地震和海啸中受损的福岛核电站。问题的严重程度目前尚不清楚。

Radioactive particles travel in the wind and get absorbed into soil with the help of rain and snow. Then plant roots take up the material and the plants become contaminated. Animals eat the plants and their products become contaminated.放射性颗粒随风飘散,并随着雨雪被土壤吸收。植物根系吸收了放射性物质后会被污染。动物吃了这些植物后,动物产品也被污染。

Experts say the ocean will help dilute radiation in seawater. But the tsunami also destroyed seafood, sank fishing boats and leveled processing plants.专家表示,海洋可以帮助稀释海水中的辐射。但是海啸同时也破坏了海产品,使渔船沉没,使加工厂夷为平地。

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